Customer Journey with Greenflux: Buying and Integrating New Chargers
Certification Process
When a client decides to purchase a charging station, they can request Greenflux to perform an OCPP certification test.
During the technical integration, our team contacts the manufacturers and provides them with a test script and URL endpoint for connection.
It's important to note that the initial test may not always be successful, and retesting might be necessary to complete the process. From our experience with hundreds of testing sessions, more than 50% of the charge stations fail the first testing session. To retest, manufacturers typically need to make changes to the FW version, which takes some time, a certification test completion may take from weeks to several months.
Below is an overview of how the certification process is conducted:
What's Important for Clients?
1. Always review the certification testing report. Check the FW version that has been tested and ensure that the manufacturers use the same firmware version when purchasing the chargers.
2. Examine the test results. Often, tests are not flawless, and we, at Greenflux, may allow manufacturers to pass the test if we detect minor issues. However, please note that as Charge Point Operators, the decision of whether the chargers are satisfactory ultimately lies with our clients.
1. During OCPP integration tests, chargers are typically connected to our public endpoint. This endpoint facilitates various forms of connection, such as SIM cards from different providers, Wi-Fi, and Ethernet . If you plan to connect chargers via VPN to our private endpoint, please provide the manufacturer with the required SIM card and APN information. In case you intend to use our Tele2 SIM card provider, kindly send a SIM card to the manufacturer.
Please remember to inform Greenflux about this additional step when requesting an OCPP integration test.
Note that if chargers encounter difficulties connecting to our backend, we can assist in determining if the issue is on our side. However, if the problem lies elsewhere, it often pertains to charge point configuration. Please bear in mind that the manufacturer is responsible for identifying the root cause , as every hardware implementation varies significantly among manufacturers due to the absence of a standard.
2. We recommend visiting the charge point manufacturer and discussing the available options and configurations as a CPO (Charge Point Operator). Different configurations related to network and connection can be implemented by charge point operators, so it's crucial to ensure that the manufacturer provides clear explanations on how to configure the chargers. We recommend testing the charge point connection during the visit. This step can help prevent numerous problems during the charger installation process.
3. Discuss with the manufacturer what information is contained in their diagnostics file and for how long. It's important to note that there is no market standard for its format and included information. We have encountered a wide variety of formats and information in different files.
4. Once the OCPP test is completed, some CPOs prefer to install chargers at a designated "test location" before the final installation on site. The test location is usually easily accessible and allows close monitoring of the chargers for a period of time. This approach helps identify any operational issues that cannot be discovered during the OCPP integration test, such as connection problems, transaction issues, or charging session anomalies. During this phase, we recommend discussing the troubleshooting process with the manufacturer and request documentation on configuration and error codes.
Once the charge point integration is completed and any necessary troubleshooting has been performed, the chargers are ready to be installed on site.
What to Do When You Encounter Charge Point Issues?
1. Connectivity issues
fails to connect to our backend, please ensure that the charger is using the correct configuration. Check the charge station logs and consult with the manufacturer. If the issue persists and the manufacturer suggests that Greenflux is the cause, please provide us with:
Charge point ID
Charger's IP address
The endpoint it is attempting to reach.
The charge station logs, if possible, where it shows where the connection fails.
Please note that if Greenflux determines that the issue is not on our side, there is very little we can do at that point. This is why it's strongly recommended to obtain proper charger configuration information from the manufacturer and test the connection prior purchase. If the chargers keep disconnecting, the manufacturer should be contacted for assistance.
2. Check the chargers in the EVPortal .
If you notice any errors being reported from the chargers, examine the error descriptions and refer to your charge point documentation for error codes to determine the next steps.
3. If there are no apparent error codes , but you still encounter an issue, please contact our support team. Our support staff will assist in identifying the issue's location:
3a. If the issue is determined to be on our side, our support team will inform you about the subsequent steps.
3b. If our support team determines that the issue is related to the charge point itself, please contact the manufacturer. As a platform provider, our expertise lies in communication protocols (OCPP), but we have limited understanding of charge point hardware issues. Each manufacturer implements their chargers differently, making it very challenging for us to provide advice on such matters.
Please ensure to review this information thoroughly to ensure a smooth customer journey when buying and integrating new chargers with Greenflux.
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