Eichrecht GFX Certification Testing
Process Description
Figure 1. Process Overview
Currently, we are testing for the 1.6 protocol. The implementation of version 2.0.1 is underway. To request an Eichrecht integration test, you need to first check whether this charger has already been certified for OCPP or not. If it is not certified, then you will have to schedule an OCPP Integration test and pass before scheduling an Eichrecht Test. This is a requirement to make sure that the charger passes the "core" functionality of OCPP before we can test for Eichrecht compliance. For further information on scheduling an OCPP integration test please follow this link that explains the process:
OCPP Charge Point GFX Certification Testing (greenflux.com)
To schedule an Eichrecht Integration Test, either the Customer Success Manager (CSM) or clients can create a Zohodesk ticket on our Support Portal. Ultimately, if your charger also needs an OCPP Integration test, you only need 1 ticket where you mention all the tests that you want to conduct as shown below in "Type of Testing".
The OCPP integration form can be found using this link and selecting "Submit a Ticket on the bottom left":
The ticket or email should include the following information:
- Manufacturer
- Charge station model (if a specific firmware version needs to be tested, please specify it)
- Manufacturer contact details (provided by our customer)
- Type of test (OCPP Basic, Eichrecht)
- Which Transparency SW is used
- If the file format is not JSON, please specify

Eichrecht does not have an agreed upon standard so for now each vendor has a custom implementation. This requires a feature request to be created to accommodate
the new vendor implementation. Based on the implementation by the manufacturer the time may vary for when the feature request is resolved. After this the customer
is sent a link to schedule the test. These additional steps are highlighted in purple in Figure 1. above.
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